Clean Our Air Rally!

We had an amazing turn out to our Clean Our Air rally! Thanks so much to everyone who turned up and called on the government to Protect our Health, Clean our Air, Filter the Stacks!! Huge...

Clean our Air – Protest Rally!

MTAG is holding a family friendly protest rally, bringing together Melbourne’s inner west communities alarmed at Transurban’s unfiltered vent stacks on the West Gate Tunnel. Sunday 2 March...

Filter the West Gate Tunnel vent stacks now.

PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE: 1. Sign our petition and share with friends (we don't recommend paying to promote our petition as this just goes into their general...

Announcement on Old Melbourne Market Site

Excellent news with the State Government announcement that the 29 hectare old Melbourne Market site on Footscray Road will be used as empty container storage, reducing the need for empty...

The Maribyrnong Truck Action Group (MTAG) is a local community group, active in Melbourne’s inner west, campaigning to reduce the number of trucks on residential streets.

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