Congratulations to the Victorian Labor Party on winning the 2014 Victorian State Election. Particular congratulations and thanks goes to Wade Noonan, Member for Williamstown, for ensuring that the inner west was not forgotten in Labor’s transport policy, Project 10,000.

Project 10.000 includes construction of The West Gate Distributor , a new road link from the West Gate Freeway to Melbourne Port through industrial areas of Yarraville.  MTAG looks forward to working with the new state government as they begin work on this and ensuring that it’s effective in getting an estimated 1,000,000 trucks a year off our residential streets.This project will benefit not only residents but also the freight industry and business, speeding up the renewal and development of the inner west and expanding growth and development opportunities in Melbourne’s growing western suburbs.

Premier elect Daniel Andrews stated before the election that should Labor win office they will fast track the West Gate Distributor.  He has stated he will release the Expression of Interests for the project by Australia Day 2015 and put it to market within the first six months of forming government.

Wade Noonan is the Labor MP for Williamstown. His electorate includes the main residential freight truck routes of Somerville Road, Williamstown Road and Francis Street. Wade has been very active on the truck issue and has been calling for solutions since winning office in 2007.

west gate distributor

Statement from MP Wade Noonan:

Our community has lived with the constant rumbling, noise and pollution of thousands of trucks on their doorsteps for long enough.

 That’s why I’ve worked closely with the Maribyrnong Truck Action Group (MTAG) to advocate for a dedicated truck bypass road to be built between the West Gate Freeway and the Port of Melbourne, involving new on- and –off ramps from the freeway to Hyde St, the widening of Francis, Whitehall and Moreland Streets to four lanes, and strengthening of Shepherd Bridge to Footscray Road.

Traffic modelling conducted by VicRoads in 2010 confirmed that the construction of the new bypass would remove 50-70% trucks off local roads such as Francis Street and Somerville Road.

Labor’s pledge to deliver this vital piece of infrastructure within our first term has been embraced by the community. At the time of Labor’s announcement (Nov 2013), MTAG Secretary Martin Wurt stated, “MTAG has been campaigning for years for a truck bypass and this plan has broad support in the community.”

To coincide with the delivery of the truck bypass, Labor will work closely with Maribyrnong Council to increase truck restrictions and bans on local roads.

Labor’s truck bypass commitment is fully costed and funded and will create 600 new construction jobs.