Maribyrnong Truck Action Group

Press Release

Maribyrnong Truck Action Group applauds plan to take trucks off streets

After years of campaigning, the Maribyrnong Truck Action Group is today celebrating the announcement of the Brumby government’s plan to build a route from the Westgate Freeway to the port.

“This is what we have been lobbying for since the inception of MTAG,” said Peter Knight, “it really is great that the government has listened to the community.”

MTAG’s advocacy for the Westgate/port link was given a huge vote of support in the Eddington East West Needs Assessment study and has since also been endorsed by the Victorian Transport Union and a wide range of community groups. “It is the right decision,” said Mr Knight, “it will bring great relief to a huge number of residents and will also allow freight to move more efficiently.”

MTAG is, however, keen to emphasise that it understand the on/off ramps will be a cause for concern for a number of residents located near the planned route. “We see our role now here as advocating for good outcomes for those residents and also for Stony Creek Nature Reserve, which is located near the Westgate Bridge,” said Peter Knight. “We have already begun discussions about these matters and at each stage have found the government to be responsive and open to our suggestions and concerns.”

While MTAG is celebrating the commitment to building the Westgate on/off ramps it is concerned about the alignment of the proposed tunnel under Footscray. In the plan at present the tunnel entrance/exit is in West Footscray, which would be a disaster for residents. “We intend to lobby the government to have the tunnel come out further west past the residential areas of West Footscray.Minister Pallas has indicated a willingness to listen to residents with regard to the alignment of the tunnel.”

“We have developed constructive working relationships with government at local and ministerial levels and look forward to working positively together during the development phase of these projects.”