On Tuesday night, MTAG’s Martin Wurt took to the stage at Deakin Edge, Federation Square, along with Professor Tim Flannery from The Climate Council, Ron Ipsen from Voices of the Valley and Nicola Rivers from Environmental Justice Australia to discuss air pollution in Australia. It was a fantastic opportunity for MTAG to speak to a broader audience about the issue of diesel pollution in the inner west.  Ron Ispen gave an amazing insight into the plight of residents in the Latrobe Valley and the pollution issues they experience, particularly since the 2014 Hazelwood mine fire.  Tim Flannery gave a sobering talk about the health impacts of coal and Nicola Rivers’ stats on the costs of air pollution were alarming, not just financially but also the human toll.

It was great to see communities and experts coming together to say enough is enough.  Australia needs air pollution laws that actually protect vulnerable communities such as Melbourne’s inner west. Air pollution kills more than 3000 Australians a year. We desperately need change and we need to stop lagging behind the rest of the world on this issue.

We need strong national air pollution laws NOW.

Huge thanks to Environmental Justice Australia and the Sustainable Living Festival for hosting the night.


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