Transurban have released an updated design for the Western Distributor.The new design includes moving the Southern portal from the Westgate Freeway to land behind Francis and Hyde Street, with an off-ramp on to Hyde Street for trucks carrying dangerous goods such as petro-chemical tankers.  MTAG supports, in principle, the option for placarded loads to directly access the freeway.  It was a significant flaw in the original design, particularly as petrol tankers form the majority of Francis Street’s night time truck traffic.

BUT…like the Friends of Stony Creek and many residents, we are very concerned about the potential new impacts on open space and parkland. How will the flyovers and new portal impact on Stony Creek reserve? What will the noise and air quality impacts be on nearby residents?

We will be meeting with Transurban this week and will seek to understand these impacts better, as well as if there are other options for removing placarded loads off our streets.

We understand many residents are distressed about this new development.  We do appreciate feedback from affected residents as we try to understand this proposal further.  MTAG have always lobbied for improved noise, air quality and residential amenity for all residents of the inner west and we’re not about to back down on this.  For MTAG and the community to have any influence over these decisions it’s VITAL that affected residents get active on this, it can’t just be MTAG’s voice alone.

MTAG were sought for comment on the new design, including an article in The Age and a story on the ABC news.

Some other features of the new proposal include putting the power lines underground behind the Yarraville Community Centre and the completion of the Federation Trail.  They are also considering the option of moving the Northern portal further North East to reduce the impact on Yarraville Gardens.

Have a look at Transurban’s website for more information, including some new community consultation dates.

We will aim to keep you updated as we continue our discussions with Transurban, Maribyrnong City Council, State Government and the trucking industry.