Today MTAG celebrated 10 years of campaigning – a celebration of community spirit, resolve and determination.

We were also very excited to launch a mini doco about our 10 year campaign – Port Trucks Out, MTAG’s fight for truck free streets. We are very proud of it and hope you like it too!

For 10 years we’ve raised awareness of diesel pollution, noise pollution, lack of residential amenity, and unsafe streets.  10 years of highlighting the complete lack of adequate environmental policies at the Port of Melbourne as well as Australia’s hopeless air pollution laws.  10 years of advocating for better infrastructure to service the port and ensuring that the issue stays in the face of our local, state and federal politicians.

That we have lasted so long is testament to not only our past and present committee members, but everyone in the community who has helped in any way. We all know Melbourne’s inner west is a fantastic place to live and together we can make it even better.

After 10 years of campaigning, the problem of trucks on our residential streets is worse than ever. But finally, all sides of government, the EPA, VicRoads, the Maribyrnong Council and the freight industry all agree – something must be done.

There are far too many people to thank here, but there are some key people we’d particularly like to acknowledge.

Wade Noonan, member for Williamstown, for ensuring the issue has been on the agenda for state Labor party since he won office in 2007.  Wade has been very active on the truck issue and we greatly appreciate all of his work on this.

Colleen Hartland, Greens MP, for her tireless work on the issue and all of the help her office has given us over the years. No request is too ever much for Colleen and her team and we really value all that they’ve done for us.

Cr Grant Miles and Cr Nam Quach for their dedication and advocacy.  They were instrumental in getting the recent new curfews and they continue to advocate strongly, particularly on the issues of Buckley Street, reducing night time truck traffic and ensuring best possible outcomes from new infrastructure.  We’d also like to thank Keith Loveridge from the council for his passion and assistance on air quality issues.

And of course, the committed members of MTAG who’ve letterboxed thousands of houses, signed countless petition, written letters to ministers and turned out (rain, hail or shine) to call for Government to protect the health and safety of the residents of the inner west.

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