We are very pleased to announce that as of Monday 11th July Francis Street will get a school crossing time truck curfew!
This is a huge win for Wembley Primary School children who will never again have to contend with thousands of semis and b-doubles on their commute to and from school every day.  Not only will their trip will be safer but the air they breathe will be healthier with no trucks idling at the crossing.This is also a huge win for the dedicated Wembley Primary parents who have fought so hard for this.
The curfew will be in place from 8am – 9.30am and 2.30pm – 4pm on school days and will be west of Williamstown Road only. Thanks to the VTA and VicRoads for their part in making this a reality.
MTAG believe that protecting children is a priority, however we also acknowledge that curfews do just move trucks around and this will impact on other streets that don’t have curfews. Whilst important, this is a band aid measure only and not a bigger picture solution. We will keep working hard towards a solution to finally remove trucks off our streets for good.

For more info on the new curfew see the VicRoads website here.



