What a great turn out yesterday to our ‘Kids and Trucks Don’t Mix’ protest action, a big thank you to all who attended.Over 200 kids, parents, residents and politicians joined the call to ban trucks during school crossing times.

The crowd heard from a range of speakers including

  • Samantha McArthur – President of MTAG
  • Edith, Ella and Lily – students at local primary schools
  • Grant Miles – Mayor City of Maribyrnong
  • Dr Merryn Redenbach – Pediatrician and spokesperson for Doctors for the Environment Australia.

Great media interest and turnout: MMM; 774; 3AW; 3MP; Channel 7, 9, 10; Herald-Sun, The Weekly, Maribyrnong Leader

Sign the petition here: http://tinyurl.com/o8q77k8

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