Fantastic news in the state budget – $10.2 million for monitoring cameras for enforcement of the West Gate Tunnel truck bans!

MTAG has been campaigning for electronic monitoring ever since our submission to the project’s Environmental Effects Statement in 2017. We know how vital these cameras will be when the tunnel opens in late 2025. For this project to fail in removing thousands of massive trucks from our streets was never an option.

MTAG ran a huge campaign in the lead up to the budget calling for money for camera enforcement. We filmed for two hours one Sunday afternoon on Francis Street, capturing 95 curfew breakers – well and truly proving that the current approach to managing curfews is absolutely not working. We launched a petition, and delivered the signitures to Melissa Horne MP, handed out signs for people’s front fences and ran a large media campaign, with stories on Channel 9 news and The Star Weekly.

Community campagning makes a difference!

We really want to thank everyone who signed our petition (554 people!), spoke to media, wrote emails and letters and generally made some noise!

Big thanks also to Melissa Horne MP and Katie Hall MP.

The budget win featured on channel 9 news and The Star Weekly.