The Victorian Labor Party has today announced a new policy Project 10,000 which renews its commitment to building a truck bypass.

Now called the West Gate Distributor, this project would see the construction of new ramps from the West Gate Freeway and upgrades to Hyde Street, Whitehall Street and Shepherds Bridge.This new route through industrial areas will remove thousands of trucks from residential streets every day, delivering cleaner air and safer streets for thousands of inner west residents.

MTAG has been campaigning for years for a truck bypass and this plan has broad support in the community. It will also be a win for truck drivers, delivering freight efficiencies for truckies and the transport industry, saving them time and fuel costs travelling to and from the port. These improvements will benefit all of Melbourne.

The Baillieu/Napthine government has failed us miserably on the truck issue with no solutions other than the promise that the East West tunnel linking Hoddle Street and Citylink will be “the best thing ever for the west.” We know this tunnel will not remove one truck from our streets in the inner west. Labor is to be commended for hearing our voices and committing to this solution.

More information about the project is to be found here on page 30:

MTAG was interviewed on ABC’s Jon Faine program this morning following the opposition leader Daniel Andrews. We will post a link when it becomes available.