Transurban Western Distributor Information Session – MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!

Transurban has re-designed the proposed Western Distributor’s planned freeway tunnel under Yarraville. The entrance is now STARTING in Yarraville and NOT in the existing freeway footprint as first promised.The first design had broad community support, this doesn’t. We urgently need a solution to our truck problem but not at any cost!

We stand to lose open space and have increased noise and air pollution from trucks and cars adjacent to housing and the Yarraville  Community Centre.

It’s really important to have your say and let Transurban know what you think about this redesign. We encourage you to attend this public information session:

Sat 10 October, 9.30am – 1pm  Yarraville Club –135 Stephen Street, Yarraville.

MTAG has joined with CLoY (Concerned Locals of Yarraville) and FOSC (Friends of Stony Creek) to encourage as many people as possible to join us at 12:00 noon at the information session to make our combined voices louder

If you can’t attend you can make your concerns heard online:

Transurban’s community consultation process closes on 16 October 2015