MCC submission on air quality PDF

This is an excellent summary of the issues we face and contains strong, sensible recommendations.Hats off to MCC!

That the Federal Government:
1. Supports the construction of alternative truck routes (on/off ramps) to and from the Westgate Freeway, in order to remove trucks from residential streets.
2. Provide funding for reducing diesel emissions through an alternative fuels program, such as CNG and diesel/electric hybrid vehicles.
3. Fund a Clean Truck Program, in partnership with the State Government, around the Port of Melbourne terminals.
4. Introduce compliance standards for PM2.5 as a priority.
5. Introduce 8hr standards for diesel particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10).
6. Ensure State government regulatory authorities do not use the National Environment Protection Measures objectives and advisory reporting standards as levels that provide protection for human health and wellbeing.
7. Encourage changes to State planning legislation that require ‘sensitive use’ facilities to be located well away from high traffic volume transport corridors.