MTAG is preparing a guide for the upcoming 2020 Maribyrnong City Council elections to assist our supporters in identifying which candidates are more likely to help address the truck and air pollution issues in the City of Maribyrnong.

We have asked all candidates who have provided email addresses to respond to the following questions:

  1. Are you concerned about truck traffic in Melbourne’s inner west and if so, what concerns you the most?

  2. The recently released report ‘Air Pollution in Melbourne’s Inner West’ paints an alarming picture of the health impacts of air pollution in our community. Have you read the report and what action do you plan on taking if successful at the election?

  3. What role do you think local government has in reducing the impact of trucks on the City of Maribyrnong?

  4. For all candidates, what action do you plan to take in your role as Councillor – if any – to reduce trucks on residential streets in Maribyrnong?

  5. For candidates that are serving or have already served as Councillors in Maribyrnong, what action – if any – have you taken to reduce trucks on residential streets in Maribyrnong during your last council term?

This will enable our supporters to consider candidates’ position on trucks before they vote.

We have asked them to respond by midnight Sunday 4 October 2020, and have said that their response will be posted, IN FULL, on the MTAG website.

Keep your eyes out for their responses, which we will post here, hopefully early next week.