
Clean Our Air Rally!

Clean Our Air Rally!

We had an amazing turn out to our Clean Our Air rally! Thanks so much to everyone who turned up and called on the government to Protect our Health, Clean our Air, Filter the Stacks!! Huge thanks to our fabulous line up of speakers. We were honoured to hear from: David...

Announcement on Old Melbourne Market Site

Announcement on Old Melbourne Market Site

Excellent news with the State Government announcement that the 29 hectare old Melbourne Market site on Footscray Road will be used as empty container storage, reducing the need for empty containers to travel back and forth through the inner west. The site will also...

Grab a Free Curfew Sign!

Grab a Free Curfew Sign!

MTAG has had a bunch of signs printed that you can put on your fence or in your window to send a clear message to government - Enforce Truck Curfews Now! MTAG will be at two locations this Saturday 4 May where you can pick up your free sign. 1. Outside Blackwood...

The Grattan truck plan: practical policies for cleaner freight

The Grattan truck plan: practical policies for cleaner freight

In August 2022 the Grattan Institute released an excellent report titled 'The Grattan truck plan: practical policies for cleaner freight'.  The report warns that pollution from trucks kill more than 400 Australians a year and contribute to diseases such as lung...

Clean our Air – Protest Rally!

Clean our Air – Protest Rally!

MTAG is holding a family friendly protest rally, bringing together Melbourne’s inner west communities alarmed at Transurban’s unfiltered vent stacks on the West Gate Tunnel. Sunday 2 March - 11am-12pm Yarraville Gardens Speakers at the rally include: • Mayors of...

Camera enforcement budget win!

Camera enforcement budget win!

Fantastic news in the state budget - $10.2 million for monitoring cameras for enforcement of the West Gate Tunnel truck bans! MTAG has been campaigning for electronic monitoring ever since our submission to the project's Environmental Effects Statement in 2017. We...

MTAG President Martin Wurt – Maribyrnong Citizen of the Year

MTAG President Martin Wurt – Maribyrnong Citizen of the Year

We are very proud to announce that MTAG President Martin Wurt has been named the City of Maribyrnong’s Citizen of the Year. Martin has been campaigning to get trucks off Maribyrnong’s residential streets for almost 25 years.  He has been an active MTAG committee...

Filter the West Gate Tunnel vent stacks now.

Filter the West Gate Tunnel vent stacks now.

PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE: 1. Sign our petition and share with friends (we don't recommend paying to promote our petition as this just goes into their general money bucket) 2. Write to the Environment Minister urging him to direct the EPA...

Research paper released on inner west air pollution

Research paper released on inner west air pollution

A recent research paper from the University of Queensland and the University of Melbourne - Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Childhood Asthma – Are the Risks Appropriately Mitigated in Australia? focusses on the inner west. It looks at data from local air monitoring...

Francis St pedestrian crossing – a death trap

Francis St pedestrian crossing – a death trap

The pedestrian crossing at the corner of Francis and Ballarat Streets saw two serious accidents involving trucks in 2023. In July, Jason was seriously injured when a truck hit the overhead traffic light and it came crashing down on his head. He spent weeks in hospital...