
MTAG – Truck protest bridge blockade – 19 March 2013

Here's a quick video from our action yesterday on Shepherds Bridge Footscray.Over 200 people were on the bridge adding to the pressure on the State Government to commit to building a truck bypass. VicRoads estimates that the bypass would remove approximately 1,000,000...

MTAG – Why A Bridge Blockade on Tuesday?

MTAG – Why A Bridge Blockade on Tuesday?

Have you been wondering why MTAG has chosen to blockade Shepherd's Bridge this Tuesday morning? Here's why:   Enough is Enough - Build the Truck Bypass Now Good for Truckies | Good for Industry | Good for Residents  

Radio National – Dangerous Diesel

Radio National – Dangerous Diesel

Radio National's Background Briefing has just done a radio documentary on diesel exhaust and its health implications.The program starts in Yarraville covering the truck issue here in the inner west and then travels to Western Australia to look at diesel in our mining...

Community Protest – Deliver Us from Diesel – March 19

Community Protest – Deliver Us from Diesel – March 19

The rescheduled Deliver Us From Diesel Truck Protest is on 19 March 8:00am We will be blocking Shepherd's Bridge (where Footscray Rd crosses the Maribyrnong River) from 8:00 - 8:30am SHARP! We're holding this protest to send a clear message to the Ballieu government...

West abandoned to truck torment

West abandoned to truck torment, an opinion piece in The Age October 10 2012 NOTHING better illustrates the western suburbs' second-class status than the feeble efforts to control truck traffic through their neighbourhoods.Over two decades of rising congestion, noise...

Truck Rolls onto Footpath on Moore Street

Truck Rolls onto Footpath on Moore Street

Last night I was walking home from work along Moore Street when I arrived only minutes after a container trucked rolled at the pedestrian crossing at Ballarat Road.The container truck carrying a 40 foot container rolled on its side landing on the footpath of Moore...

MTAG protest action outside Hilton Hotel

MTAG protest action outside Hilton Hotel

MTAG today protested outside the Hilton Hotel in Melbourne where CEDA, the Committee for Economic Development of Australia, was holding a conference: Australia to the world: Growing national port infrastructure.MTAG's action was to highlight the impact that Melbourne...