MTAG protest action outside Hilton Hotel
MTAG today protested outside the Hilton Hotel in Melbourne where CEDA, the Committee for Economic Development of Australia, was holding a conference: Australia to the world: Growing national port infrastructure.MTAG's action was to highlight the impact that Melbourne...
World Health Organisation declares “diesel exhaust causes lung cancer”
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared that diesel exhaust causes lung cancer. Back in 1988 they had said that diesel exhaust was a "probable carcinogenic". In their new report they say: "The scientific evidence was compelling and the working group's...
EPA testing begins on Francis Street
After much lobbying and discussions with MTAG, the EPA commenced air quality testing on Francis Street in May 2012.The EPA has installed a mobile testing lab on Francis street on the corner of Fraser Street, close to the Yarraville Community Centre. Testing will take...
Yarraville pollution to be measured
According to Maribyrnong Weekly this week... THE health impacts of diesel smoke from the thousands of trucks passing through residential streets in Yarraville each day will be measured for the first time in a decade.Environment Protection Authority Victoria will soon...
7News VicRoads Bigger Trucks Trial
Ted Baillieu under pressure to ramp up truck action-Herald Sun
COMMUNITY groups have demanded the state government stop sitting on it's hands and honour a Brumby government plan to slash the number of trucks rumbling through the western suburbs.Concerned residents held a rally in Yarraville today calling on the Baillieu...
News reports Westgate ramps coalition
Westgate Ramps Coalition Media Release: Community Rally
Media Release: Community Rally September 18th Yarraville Gardens Transport Workers Union joins with residents to call for Westgate Ramps truck route to be built In a major development in the battle to get trucks off residential streets in the inner west, the Transport...
Locals make noise over buck-passing on trucks
Article in "The Age" July 6 2011 WHEN Noah Lautman-Wurt was seven, his family took him to his first protest rally over the number of trucks in residential streets in their Yarraville neighbourhood.Noah, now 17, has heard a decade of state government promises to reduce...
Australians want trucks off our roads
Almost 70 percent of Australians want truck movements restricted to non-peak periods and 50 percent of Australians want large trucks banned from cities, according to polling released today by a public transport and health coalition.The poll, of 1500 Australians was...