The Western Distributor Design Update
Transurban have released an updated design for the Western Distributor.The new design includes moving the Southern portal from the Westgate Freeway to land behind Francis and Hyde Street, with an off-ramp on to Hyde Street for trucks carrying dangerous goods such as...
Freight on Rail – Sign the Petition
The group Public Transport Not Traffic have put together a petition calling on Daniel Andrews to support Metropolitan Freight on Rail.$58 million dollars is all it would cost to upgrade the rail terminal at Swanson Dock. This money has been fully budgeted for...
Trucks & the Inner West Community Information Sessions
VicRoads, in partnership with Maribyrnong City Council, Department of Health and Human Services, and EPA Victoria, invite the community to attend an information session to hear about the recent truck count results and the effectiveness of the additional curfews on...
VicRoads release 2015 truck counts.
VicRoads have released their latest truck counts and launched a campaign to encourage trucks to use the freeway system at night. The good news is that Somerville Road truck traffic has decreased significantly since the new school crossing time curfew was introduced. ...
Western Distributor Community Meeting
On June 16th Samantha McArthur and Martin Wurt of MTAG spoke at a Western Distributor community meeting along with Public Transport Not Traffic and Colleen Hartland, MP.It was a great night of discussion and debate around road infrastructure, public transport,...
Western Distributor Community Meeting
Greens MP Colleen Hartland is hosting Western Distributor, What Does it Mean For You, a community forum to discuss the proposed road.MTAG will be speaking, along with Colleen Hartland MP and Public Transport Not Traffic. The Labor Government, including Luke...
Transurban announces alternative proposal to the Andrews Government’s West Gate Distributor
Transurban announces proposal to build the Western Distributor Tollway. In a surprise announcement Transurban, toll road operator and owner of Citylink, has released a proposal to build a massive $5billion tollway to connect the West Gate Freeway with the City Link...
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre highlights cancer risk from trucks in the City of Maribyrnong
Australia’s leading cancer treatment, research and education institute, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, has highlighted diesel pollution and particularly truck numbers in the City of Maribyrnong as a major health concern in a government submission. The submission,...
National Clean Air Agreement – submission guide
WE NEED YOUR HELP - Please send a submission to the government demanding action for clean air! Right now, Australia’s Environment Ministers are developing a National Clean Air Agreement to set the priorities for national action on pollution for the next 5 years. ...
Don’t Hold Your Breath: Is the air you breathe killing you?
On Tuesday night, MTAG's Martin Wurt took to the stage at Deakin Edge, Federation Square, along with Professor Tim Flannery from The Climate Council, Ron Ipsen from Voices of the Valley and Nicola Rivers from Environmental Justice Australia to discuss air pollution in...