Free Public Talk – Don’t Hold Your Breath
MTAG’s Martin Wurt will be speaking alongside Professor Tim Flannery at 'Don’t Hold Your Breath', a panel discussion hosted by Environmental Justice Australia on air pollution in Australia. Martin will talk about the experience of living in a community impacted by...
New Curfews Begin!
Luke Donellan, Minister for Roads, Road Safety and Ports announced the start of the new Somerville Rd and Moore St curfews on Thursday morning and switched on the new signs. Also in attendance was Member for Williamstown Wade Noonan, Mayor Nam Quach, CEO of the VTA...
New Curfew Information
The new curfews for both Somerville Road and Moore Street will take effect on Thursday 29 January at 8am and 8pm respectively. Somerville Rd Trucks will no longer be allowed on Somerville Road during school crossing times, 8-9.30am and 2.30-4pm Monday to Friday...
Submissions on air quality standards now online.
Australia’s current air quality regulatory framework does not protect our health and this is particularly evident in air pollution hot spots such as Melbourne’s inner west. In October 2014 federal environment ministers put forward a proposal to update the...
2014 Victorian State Election
Congratulations to the Victorian Labor Party on winning the 2014 Victorian State Election. Particular congratulations and thanks goes to Wade Noonan, Member for Williamstown, for ensuring that the inner west was not forgotten in Labor's transport policy, Project...
RRR Interview
Listen here to the great interview MTAG president Samantha McArthur did on RRR with Kulja Coulston on The Grapevine, 10th November 2014.
What does a green port look like? (hint: not like the Port of Melbourne)
So what does a green port look like? (hint: not like the Port of Melbourne) Ports like the Port of Melbourne are huge users of dirty diesel fuels. The cranes, fork lifts, idling ships, trucks and trains are all using diesel fuel that cause air pollutants that are bad...
Truck curfews to be extended?
Following the release of a comprehensive truck survey into truck movements in the inner west, the Napthine government says it is looking at an expansion of truck curfews.The truck survey was carried out by VicRoads and the City of Maribyrnong. Read the report here:...
ABC Radio National: Pollution and autism spectrum disorder
Research from Harvard University suggests that autism spectrum disorder, which affects perhaps about 1 in 100 Australian children and, some say, is increasing in prevalence, may be partly caused by air pollutants.This can have enormous implications for housing near...
Clearing the Air, a report by Environmental Justice Australia
MTAG welcomes the release of Clearing the Air, a report by Environmental Justice Australia into Australia's air pollution laws.The report explains why our air pollution standards are failing us, in particular the lack of regulation for ultrafine particulate matter,...