
Comedian Rod Quantock, who The Age calls “a living Melbourne treasure”, is to MC our Moore St ‘Sleep In’ Truck protest.Please come along, have a laugh and help this community achieve social justice by joining the call for a truck curfew.

670 trucks rumble down Moore Street every night. The trucks belong on freeways and not residential streets. It’s way too many and these residents need a good night’s sleep!

And who better to know a thing or two about sleep and politics but Rod Quantock. Adding to the entertainment will be the Snuff Puppets wearing pajamas and speakers include Maribyrnong Mayor Grant Miles.

Bring your sleeping bag, yoga mat, swag or blanket and join us for just half an hour. Let’s send a clear message to the Napthine Government. We need a night/weekend curfew now!

Like all MTAG protests this is a safe family friendly action held in consultation with Vic Police.

Wednesday 2 April 8:00 – 8:30am, corner of Moore Street and Donald Street Footscray.

Hope to see you there.