B Triple truck

BIGGER trucks to rumble down residential streets in Yarraville? No way!


Do you think Francis Street in Yarraville can safely accommodate trucks that are 36.5 metre long (8 Toyota Corollas or 20 bicycles) and weigh 68.5 tonnes?

We understand that the freight industry has made an application to State Government to allow 36 ½ metre long B-triple High Productivity Freight Vehicles (HPFVs) and 30 metre long B-double HPFVs on Williamstown Road, Francis Street and Whitehall Street in Yarraville.

Francis Street between Williamstown Road and Hyde Street is an undivided suburban road, fronted almost exclusively by around 200 houses and apartments, as well as a park, golf course, and a community centre with a child care facility. In this short section of road, vehicles must travel through four sets of traffic lights.

The road is currently used by a mix of cars, cyclists, and pedestrians, as well as by trucks. This includes a large number of children on their way to and from school and childcare. ? Residents are already worried about trucks not stopping at lights and fear for the safety of children. Allowing even larger trucks on this narrow street would further threaten the safety of the residents, road users and pedestrians. ?The infrastructure of Francis St is currently severely impacted by the number of heavy vehicles. Allowing even heavier trucks would further weaken the already crumbling infrastructure.

Francis St is NOT a suitable road for trucks, much less HPFVs.

These trucks belong on FREEWAYS!

This is what a B Tiple looks like: watch the video


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