We have been informed by Vic Roads that there will be a series of Superloads bound for rural Victoria over the next two months be moved along Francis Street
A Superload will be moved along Francis Street on Saturday 24th at around midnight.Darrell Gascoyne has released this detail.

We are about to undertake a series of four large superload moves from the wharf to rural Victoria.

The superloads are quite heavy and large and so are the dimensions of the vehicle used to transport them, this is one of the biggest. For this reason we like to ensure that safety is our number one priority and will only give permits and escort the loads at times of minimal traffic density to reduce risk, hence most moves are made between 11pm at night and 3am in the morning. I can assure you my staff would prefer to be in bed at time but for safety reasons it is not always possible.

The loads we are too move will weigh 720 tonnes, will have two prime movers pulling and three prime movers pushing and be attached to a platform trailer of 32 axles, 256 tyres with the total length of 130 metres. Width will be near to 7 metres wide. As you can understand the logistics for such a move is considerable and VicRoads have been in the planning for some time.

We expect that we will be running along Francis Street on Saturday the 24th as a tentative date and will be there at around midnight, I am hoping that it will be done with the least disruption to residents as possible and apologise in advance.

We have to use Francis Street as a preferred option to the Westgate Bridge due to the mass forces involved.

If we could have found another suitable route we would have done so as you know I understand community expectations regarding amenity.

If you have any questions let me know and I will do my best to answer them, I am hoping that the community will understand on this occasion.

If you receive any complaints on the night please refer them to myself and I will deal with them personally, I would even suggest that you may wish to watch the move yourself as it will be quite a sight.