“Trucks have been banned from central Footscray in a landmark move to ease congestion on suburban streets.” This according to The Herald Sun March 19 2007.
VicRoads has finally approved the City of Maribyrnong request to ban heavy trucks from Hopkins, Irving, Buckley, and Napier streets along with part of Footscray road.
This has been in the works for a number of years and was pushed by Cr Janet Rice when she was mayor of The City Maribyrnong.
Bill Noonan, Transport Workers branch secretary, stated:
“These people need to live in a world where they understand that trucks are a part of a service that is delivering goods and services to the community.”
Well Bill, we say, “Wake up! There are over 20,000 truck using residential streets in the inner West, surely they can’t all be delivering goods and services.” Of course they are not! Most of them are just taking a short cut to the port and avoiding tolls. At what cost to our children’s health? The step to ban them from central Footscray is the first in our campaign to get through trucks onto the Westgate Freeway where they belong.