An expansion of Victoria’s rail network and the go-ahead for new roads have been announced as the key elements of the State Government’s transport blueprint.
According to The Age,

The Age believes Premier John Brumby will announce a “metro-style” rail tunnel from the western suburbs to the south-east, a new rail link to free-up the Geelong and Ballarat lines, and an extension of the Epping line in the rapidly expanding outer north-eastern suburbs.

Mr Brumby is also expected to flag the Government’s intention to build the so-called “missing link” in the Metropolitan Ring Road through some of the city’s most environmentally sensitive areas in the north-east and east.He will also signal plans to start work on a new outer-metropolitan ring road, and to build the long-mooted Frankston bypass.

Also this for Maribyrnong.

…the Government plan is expected to include only a new road in the inner west, designed to cater for increased freight traffic from the Port of Melbourne and to free up residential roads such as Francis Street, in Yarraville, that are clogged with trucks.

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