by MTAG Maribyrnong Truck Action Group | Sep 19, 2011 | Media files, News
COMMUNITY groups have demanded the state government stop sitting on it’s hands and honour a Brumby government plan to slash the number of trucks rumbling through the western suburbs.Concerned residents held a rally in Yarraville today calling on the Baillieu...
by MTAG Maribyrnong Truck Action Group | Sep 13, 2011 | News, Press releases, Protest Action
Media Release: Community Rally September 18th Yarraville Gardens Transport Workers Union joins with residents to call for Westgate Ramps truck route to be built In a major development in the battle to get trucks off residential streets in the inner west, the Transport...
by MTAG Maribyrnong Truck Action Group | Jul 6, 2011 | Media files, News
Article in “The Age” July 6 2011 WHEN Noah Lautman-Wurt was seven, his family took him to his first protest rally over the number of trucks in residential streets in their Yarraville neighbourhood.Noah, now 17, has heard a decade of state government...
by MTAG Maribyrnong Truck Action Group | Jul 5, 2011 | News, Press releases
Almost 70 percent of Australians want truck movements restricted to non-peak periods and 50 percent of Australians want large trucks banned from cities, according to polling released today by a public transport and health coalition.The poll, of 1500 Australians was...
by MTAG Maribyrnong Truck Action Group | Jun 11, 2011 | Media files, News
BY GRANT REYNOLDS Maribyrnong Weekly 08 Jun, 2011 12:00 AM Roads and Transport Minister Terry Mulder has undermined the future of a $380million project to divert trucks off residential streets after contradicting advice from VicRoads about its benefits.And a local MP...
by MTAG Maribyrnong Truck Action Group | Jun 8, 2011 | Media files, News
Peter Knight June 8, 2011 The Age Imagine 7000 huge trucks roaring past your front door every day.ON JUNE 27, the residents of Yarraville and the inner west celebrate a dubious anniversary. Ten years ago on that day, the Environment Protection Authority measured air...