Less Trucks for Moore
Protest Blockade of Moore St Footscray 26 October

A new community action group has formed out of frustration about increasing truck traffic on Moore St and Buckley St Footscray.Less Trucks for Moore plans to blockade one of Melbourne’s busiest intersections for half an hour on 26th October, 8am corner of Moore and Hopkins St in cooperation with Victoria Police and VicRoads.
More info at www.lesstrucksformoore.com.au

MTAG encourages all its members to support this action.

Prior to that the group will hold a community meeting on 13th October, 7:30pm Angliss Neighbourhood House 2/11 Vipont St, Footscray
In the past year Moore St Footscray has seen a staggering 46% increase in nighttime truck traffic and an overall increase of 24.6% taking its total count to nearly 2500 trucks per day.
Truck traffic on Buckley St has also increased, and alarmingly for residents has jumped during nighttime hours by more than 30%. Buckley St now carries nearly 3000 trucks each day.
The government has announced the Westlink tunnel project but that won’t offer a solution for five to ten years and this problem is unbearable now. Residents need short term measures to give residents some relief.

Less Trucks for Moore is calling for the following measures to be implemented immediately:

  1. A night curfew from 7pm to 7am on Moore St and Buckley St Monday to Friday and 24 hours over the weekend
  2. A 50kmh speed limit for both streets
  3. Bans on the use of air horns and engine brakes
  4. The EPA to test air quality in Moore St and Buckley St

Research released by the World Health Organisation that nominates the particles in diesel pollution as among the most carcinogenic substances ever discovered, as well as research that reveals that children who live near diesel pollution hotspots are 12 times more likely to contract childhood cancers.

This protest will be a family friendly event held with the cooperation of the authorities. MTAG really encourage residents of Footscray and surrounding suburbs to come out to both the community meeting and the protest. This is a chance for families to come out and send the government a strong peaceful message that we in the western suburbs have a right to expect what other Melbournians take for granted: clean air and safe streets.

Community Meeting 13 October, 7:30pm Angliss Neighbourhood House.
2/11 Vipont St, Footscray

Moore Street Protest 26 October, 8am. Corner of Moore and Hopkins St